Thursday, December 9, 2010

Singles Ads

Ok Facebook, gmail, other sites I frequent... I know that you know in your smart HAL mind that I'm single. It's written everywhere. I should probably take it off my profile so you'll leave me alone. But wait... you won't cause now you know.

No I don't want love horoscopes and single meets at some place that I have to pay $30 to attend to chat with other poor saps just like me. I'm not in the mood for dating through religious websites such as "Christian Dating" and "Catholic Match" where the slogans read God Loves You and So Let Him Divine You A Partner.

I rather liked it when the only pop-ups and sidebar links were for things like clothes and tickets and movie reviews and the occasional porn link. But now... now you're just rubbing it in my human face with your digital palm the stink of loneliness. Well joke's on you internet cause I am happy in my world of friends and nights out and movie rentals. And even though you tempt me with sites like where the matchmaking is free, if I wanted to be matched, I would have asked Tevya to get the old lady in the village.
That's all.

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