Monday, January 3, 2011

What Do I Care If Icicles Form... (A Grievance)

So what was supposed to be a fun and jam packed one week trip back to my hometown of Arlington, TX turned into a strained extra 4 days of me and a parent getting cabin fever and reaching our tippy top most limit of backhanded comments. This was all due to that wonderful white Christmas blizzard that swept across the Northeast. A major upside is I got to spend more time with friends I thought I wouldn't get to see. Downsides were having a bag lost on the way to Texas and then on the way to NYC, a cancelled flight, cancelled party and a general sense of "I bite my thumb at you" to anyone and everyone who works for or at an airport/airline.

I am now very happy. Happy that I'm back and doing whatever sad thing I do in my life. But in a new year!

That is until yesterday...

I love snow. I know from the sound of this post that I ardently hate it all. But coming from the South, I've always been partial to it all. The way it drifts and moves in the wind. How it goes from a fluffy downy substance to packed and hard and icy. The things you can build! Forts, people, weaponry, a veritable Eden in snow. I'm not bothered by the soggy boots, digging out your car, shoveling, dirty slush and the miserable sense that you're possibly going to die if you stand outside for any longer than 10 minutes. All of this is wonderous. It's so peaceful.

What really gets my craw is crap. Dog excrement and trash to be exact. 

It seems in the grand scheme of the OMG there's a huge snowstorm outside what do we do/day after tomorrow-esque weather pattern that came through Manhattan people forgot one important thing. Curb your effing dog. Just because there's wondrous snow littering the expanse of the city doesn't mean you can just let your dog squat anywhere and then walk off like the snow is just going to cover it up forever. I'm sorry if it's snowing so hard you can barely see. But, it's really not that hard to spot your dog's business against the backdrop of sheer whiteness. It will literally take you the 5-10 seconds it usually takes you any other time out of the year to pick up after your pet. Because you know what dog owner? When the snow melts, there's feces everywhere. And you're an unsuspecting person walking down the street with some other people and you think, what is all this? And then you step in it. And you realize you're walking in a minefield of crap. Literally. Then all day the next day that's all you see.  And you're scared to go outside cause it's all there. And that stuff doesn't get cleaned!
And the trash... like the dog business, when the snow melts away, you see all the insane amounts of trash that's been littered all over the street. Because snow "magically" recycles trash too right? WRONG! And then you trip over a plastic bottle and fall awfully close to what could be a pile of dog business while walking to the bus, and you curse the day that people stopped using a trash can.

So that's that. Lots of buildup in a post to rant on for just a paragraph. What's a grievance that you'd like to air about the past year? Something that really just bothers you that a massive amount of the population in your area seems to do?

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