Monday, November 8, 2010

A Guy Walks Into A Bar

So a guy walks into a bar. There are girls there. The girls are having a generally good time. The guy and his guy friends come over and they strike up a lively group. The girls initially shy away and try to brush the men off, but eventually, after a few more drinks and random inquiries the general air around this high top is one of friendly banter and good vibrations.
Cut to the end of the night... it's closing time, the sun will literally start to lighten up the night in 3 hours. Numbers are exchanged, promises of seeing everyone again at the same bar in some future date. One girl turns to one guy and says "hey you said you work near where I live, if you're ever up for it and want to grab a drink let me know. I'm always looking for new friends to drink with."
Guy replies, "Cool, yeah I dunno, I'm kind of gunning for your friend over there, but if that doesn't work out, I'll definitely give you a call."

Music screeches to a halt, all conversation is suspended in the bar. Freeze frame in movie time.

WTF just happened?

If you haven't realized by now, these events did actually happen, and I was that girl who tried to make a new friend but somehow got shot down for something else. What the...

How come I can't just make a new guy friend? Did my air of utter contempt, aloofness and ability to drink whiskey like a sailor translate as "I'm desperate for a companion that I can become clingy and insanely overbearing to." Apparently it did.

Did the statement that I like drinking. AND I'm always looking for new friends to drink with translate to "I want you. In my bed." I guess it did.

That is just ludicrous.... and to top it off, if I was actually hitting on you, telling me that you're "gunning" for my friend and that I'm as good as sloppy seconds really does cause my "infatuation" for you to grow... well, I mean hey, you really know how to get a girl's hear racing.

That was a couple months ago so I'm not really still smarting from it (ok maybe when I actually think about the whole situation), but it sure was a funny event huh? I was reminded of that moment in ludicrous history as I watched one of those movies where the guy likes a girl, and another girl hits on the guy and the guy tells the other girl he likes her friend... You see that's how you're supposed to do it. IF the other girl apparently likes you. Which it seems is what this fool of a dude thought. I'm no Jessica Rabbit mind you, so I'm not offended in that way that would make me shallow (I am secretly shallow), but come on!

Word to the wise, i.e. drunk guy hitting on a girl within a group of other girls. Don't be a d-bag to one of her friends. Don't turn down friendship, well you could, but is that getting any closer to your goal of hooking up with my friend? I know it may be odd for you to find yourself in a situation where a girl wants a platonic relationship and not go immediately home with you. If you're unsure as to whether this other girl is "hitting on you," just ask.
It may go something like this:

"Are you hitting on me?"
"No. I thought you were hitting on my friend?"
"Yes, I am."
"Cool, to clarify, I am asking you to have a drink with me as a possible future friend that I can call up to grab a drink with because you work a few blocks away from my abode. Not someone I can make babies with cause that's gross and our DNA is clearly not compatible. "
"Oh ok. Sure. Will you tell your hot lady friend that I am merely being nice to you as a friend?"
"Yes, I will. I will also let her know that you were so nice to me, the plain jane, that you deserve a chance."
Ta-Da! Friendship and a chance at that girl you were trying to get at all night!

Trust me drunk monsieur, it may or may not work. I thought I read too deeply into things but sir you take the cake. And that is the end of that sad, sad rant... don't get me started on how asian guys try to impress you...

What's your best/worst encounter whilst being inebriated at a bar and striking up a conversation with someone of the opposite sex?
What do you wish you could say to someone after the fact?


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