Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A New Leaf

It appears that I'm jumping on the blogger bandwagon. I generally enjoy reading other people's observations and lives through their postings, but I guess with a multitude of time on my hands I've decided to give a crack at ye old blog/post thingy..
Being a completely random type of person, I hope to translate that into this blog. Scattered tidbits and life observations, new and old recipes that I love or have failed on, little inane stories that I've been meaning to write out, movies or music or styles that I've just fallen in love/like with (many of which were soooo last year apparently).
I'm hoping that you, dear reader who happened to stumble upon this sad sad excuse for a blog, will find some usefulness out of this whole experiment or at least a momentary bit of diversion from whatever you were doing before you saw this post.
And now onto the first (technically second) post...


  1. Yay!! I'm excited to read your blog, Nellie :)

  2. i'm here too....never dull, i'm sure. i mean, you're a New Yorker now
