Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My eBay-ing Past

Just recently I went on eBay when the Texas Rangers made it into the ALCS, and I searched for some tickets to bid on for when they came up to New York.  I was slightly embarrassed to remember as I signed into my account my original reason for even joining eBay.

I was definitely in high school... definitely a psychotic fan of Russell Crowe right after L.A. Confidential came out (still a crazy fan)... then as he progressively got more and more famous, I had to know more about him. So I signed up on eBay, and bid and purchased many a silly number of magazines from Australia that featured Mr. Crowe. I think at one point I paid $50 for an old magazine that featured him on the cover with purple lipstick... I'm a dork I'll admit it. And in my untouched childhood bedroom there is a cardboard box filled to the brim with magazines I hoarded that had him on the cover... and Ewan McGregor, and Guy Pearce and any other assortment of hot celebrity at the time. Surprisingly I skipped the whole Leonardo DiCapri-dreamboat phase of my life... (oh also, this is also when I learned of paypal and essentially used what little scraps of money I had in my paltry bank account that my mom set up for me to pay for these periodicals)

But it's funny how you think about why you first signed up for certain things. I did it cause I had a hunger for the unkown, aka Russell Crowe. I mean now I use eBay on occasion to purchase practical things like commemorative 2008 Beijing Olympic dolls (definitely not practical), a pitcher for someone's birthday (practical), an official Buckaroo Bonzai samurai headband (clearly not practical, luckily someone outbid me) and various musical instruments like a trumpet (which i lost the mouthpiece to) and a french horn (which i still play so i guess pretty practical). was another one of those strange sites that, when I think back, I had no reason at all to be purchasing stuff from there as a 15 year old teen. Seriously. What was I thinking?

Now I use these sites to buy obscure movies and tickets to events. I've definitely toned down the frequency of purchases but I'll still get the occasional silly item... hello kitty phone charms in 12 colors? Yes, please.

What are some of the sites that you frequent for purchases? Don't be shy! I've already aired some of my less than stellar buys... (mainly all of them)

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